ADHD Support Coaching
for Neurodiverse Minds,
Artists, Healers + Sensitive Souls
Today is a great day to re-write your story. Every day is a 2nd chance!
--->> All our Upcoming Event & Retreat Links
Click HERE to book a session, package or free intro call.
- We work with people of all ages
- Emotional + Nervous System Regulation
- Life Skills, Tools + Strategies
- Eastern + Western Practices
- Holistic Mind-Body Connection
- Academic Support Alongside an ILP
To Help You & Your Child Deal With:
- Executive Dysfunction
- Low Self Esteem
- Burn Out
- Regulating Emotions
- Negative Self-Talk
- Overwhelm + Avoidance
Click HERE to book a session, package or free intro call.
ADHD Support Coaching
1on1 support for neurodiverse humans
- Rates are $100+hst CAD per hour.
- If you like, you can book a free 15min intro phone call here to see if we're a good fit.
Book a 60minute or 90minute session, online or in-person in Toronto's west end.
Unsure where to start?
- 1-off sessions can be helpful for specific questions, managing specific symptoms, or if you know you don't have the time, energy or resources to work together regularly right now.
- Think of this option more like short-term 'consulting', where we can get a sense of where you most need support.
- We will offer suggestions for select tools, skills and strategies customized to you.
- You will be guided through them and given resources to learn, practice, integrate and implement them on your own time + pace.
Ready to dive deep?
Sign up for our signature Chakra Journey Support Program here!
- A holistic, East-meets-West, mind-body-soul approach.
- Each session we explore different Eastern + Western practices & tools while working with the 7 Chakras (energy centers in the body).
- Get to know many different tools and find what speaks to you most.
- This program is seven 90minute sessions.
- Sessions are monthly or bi-weekly based on your needs & desired pace, making the program duration either 7 or 3.5 months, (not including any needed pauses.)
- There will be at-home practices given for in-between sessions, about 5-10mins a day, as you are able.
- This will give you time with the tools to learn, practice and integrate them.
- These are long term strategies - this is a lifelong practice. Over time, it may get easier and can become second nature to use these tools in day-to-day life without much effort or thought.
- Sessions can take place online or in-person in Toronto's west end.
- The Chakra Journey Support Program expires 18 months after date of first session. No refunds, exchanges or transferring.
- Investment: $1050+hst
You are worth it.
- To apply for a Sliding Scale/PWYC rate, please email to start the process.
- These spots are for people currently unemployed or under-employed, lacking family/partner support, BIPOC or belong to a marginalized group, and/or on disability etc.
- We most often work with neurodiverse minds, highly sensitive people/empaths, healers, people on the autism spectrum, ADHD, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, RMTs/massage therapists/bodyworkers, health & wellness professionals, and entrepreneurs.
- We work with people of all ages.
- We aim to create a non-judgemental, empathetic safe space where sustainable & long-term meaningful change can empower you in your life.
- Consciously create the life of your dreams! How does that sound?
- We want to meet you where you're at and start from there.
- We're informed by neuroscience, and a balanced approach of both Eastern & Western practices.
- Neurotypical education & supports we've experienced would often leave us feeling like something was wrong with us, even more overwhelmed, ashamed and alone, and without the right tools to thrive.
- Along the way we've had to forge our own paths, find our own team of supports, adapting tools to fit us.
- We acknowledge that everyone's brains are wired differently, and what works for our own neurodiverse brains may not be the right tool for someone else.
- As neurodivergent people, we know first-hand the challenges we often face can be unique, and so are the solutions. We are all different, and that's a good thing!
- We're influenced by our own lived-experience.
- Working together, we will assess your own unique challenges with curiosity and compassion, & explore solutions.
- We intuitively combine many different evidenced-based & holistic tools we already use to deeply transform our own lives + the lives of others.
Our approach offers Life Skills, Tools + Strategies informed by:
- ADHD organization strategies
- Nervous system regulation
- Chronic pain management tools
- Neuroscience
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
- Internal Family Systems (IFS/parts work)
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/tapping)
- Transforming Cellular Memory (TCM)
- Somato-Respiratory Integration breathwork (SRI)
- Suggested lifestyle changes
- Inner child healing
- Yoga, mindfulness & meditation
- Ayurveda ~ ancient Indian medicine
- Support with any suggested referrals/other healthcare practitioners for your care team.
- Support with suggesting relevant resources like books, workbooks, podcasts, etc for your toolkit.
Our work as an ADHD Support Coach is not psychotherapy, and is not meant to replace taking medication or supplements, working with a doctor, psychotherapist, psychiatrist or other health care supports on your team.
Click HERE to book a session, package or free intro call.
Meet Your Guide ~ Becca Lemire, (she/her)
West End Phoenix mental health feature
Connect with me on Instagram HERE
It's so nice to meet you. Doing this work lights up my soul, and I'm so excited at the possibilities of helping guide you on your journey as an ADHD Support Coach, 500hr Yoga Teacher & Massage Therapist (RMT). Scroll down below for a full list of my trainings.
I want to help empower you to transform your greatest challenges & frustrations into new neural pathways of freedom.
We have superpowers.
I'm based in Toronto's west end High Park/Lake Shore West/Swansea/Mimico area, and meet with people in-person at my home treatment space, or online.
I have 37 years of neurodiverse lived-experience, 10+ years experience as a successful entrepreneur and 15+ years personal yoga practice. I live with diagnoses including ADHD and fibromyalgia.
Story time!
One thing I'm proud of myself for on my journey, is learning how to manage my ADHD without coffee/caffeine or stimulant ADHD medication.
Important to mention - I have NOTHING against these things. If it works for you, great, I will NOT try and get you off, if you don't want to.
Like so many other neurodiverse people, my nervous system is sensitive, and I'm super sensitive to stimulants. ADHD medication and daily coffee + tea led me down a bad health road. After many attempts on that merry-go-round, I gave up all stimulants for good in 2016 at the age of 30. I feel so much better & more functional now.
It may have been a slower, more challenging path to get to this place, but I'm so glad I did.
In our coffee-obsessed world, I wish as a neurodiverse youth & young adult I had been able to give myself the permission to avoid caffeine. I just wanted to feel 'normal', and hadn't embraced my sensitivities or was even aware of them yet. I struggled with 'interoception' - our ability to perceive and understand what's happening inside our body.
Now it's so rewarding to help guide others toward a deeper listening, understanding, love and appreciation for who they are and what they need.
West End Phoenix mental health feature
Connect with me on Instagram HERE
- Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)
- Massage Therapy Diploma, Kikkawa College, 2020-2021
- In good standing with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario
- Song Of The Ancients, Peia, Blue Spirit, Costa Rica, 2023
- Ancestral European Gaelic + Celtic folk singing & music women's retreat
- Yoga Teacher Training, 300hr, Caribe Yoga Academy, Avani Gilbert, 2023
- Ayurveda + trauma-informed advanced program in Costa Rica
- TAPMI (Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute) Pain U Program, Women's College Hospital, 2022
- Managing chronic pain with cognitive behavioral techniques, physical activity & pain science
- Chronic Pain: Perspectives for the RMT webinar, RMTAO, Chelsea Duncan, 2022
- The Trauma-Informed Massage Practice workshop, Jodi Cronyn, RMT, 2022
- Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) breathwork, Kelsey Matheson, 2022
- Yoga Teacher Training, 300hr, Noah Mckenna, Soundmoves, 2022
- In progress. Restorative yoga, resonant frequency breathing, promoting heart rate variability
- Infinite Possibilities + Chakra Hatha Yoga Retreat, Cristiane Machado, Anamaya, Costa Rica, 2018, 2021, 2022
- Mindful Self-Compassion + IFS/Parts Work (Internal Family Systems) Retreat, Linda Hochstetler, The Dharma Centre of Canada, 2022
- Tao Healing Hands Pathway 1 virtual training, Vanessa Ferraro + Alexia Cito, Tao Academy, 2022
- Thai Massage, Alois Nikodym, Kikkawa College, 2021
- Fascial Stretch Therapy Level 1, Stretch To Win Institute, Toronto, 2019
- Yoga Teacher Training, 200hr, Adi Shakti, Passion Yoga School, Costa Rica, 2019
- Traditional Hatha lineage, re-wilding for women, social justice inquiry & trauma-informed
- Restorative Yoga Training, Toronto Yoga Conference, Andrea Pelosi, 2018
- Thai Massage Levels 1 + 2, Thai Massage Toronto, Deanna Villa, 2017
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy group, Village Family Health Team, Toronto, 2015
- Personal yoga practice, 15+ years
- Personal + spiritual development, 5000+ hours
Can you relate to the term "Executive Dysfunction"?
You're our people. We've missed many trains, flights, weddings and funerals, often struggling in the formal education system starting in elementary school.
Let's work together & find our own function in the dysfunction.
One example of ways we can offer support:
In our overstimulating world not always wired for sensitive, neurodiverse humans, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and default to avoidance as a way to cope. Over time these avoided things can become piles, making it even harder to tackle alone. Once we are in that place, it becomes our comfort zone and can be hard to change without adequate tools & supports. These avoided piles can cause great shame, and can manifest in any part of our personal or professional lives. Trust me, I've been there.
We are beautiful, worthy, creative, sensitive souls with our own unique gifts to share with the world!
Click HERE to book a session, package or free intro call.
What Our Clients Are Saying:
CM is in their 50s, and running their own music lesson business for decades. They had not transitioned anything in their business to technology and had not raised their rates in a very long time. Together we made big changes and totally transformed their business - and their life.
MN had recently been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult in their 30s and was in between jobs. They were also trying to come to terms with the ailing health of a family member.